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Rofl this is the Weekly PHP Classes newsletter of Thursday - 2015-11-05 - PHP Classes

Rofl this is the Weekly PHP Classes newsletter of Thursday - 2015-11-05

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  • Latest PHP Classes blog posts

  • PHP Articles and Book Reviews Report October 2015 Edition (8 days ago)

    Posted on: 2015-10-28
    Summary: This is the October edition of the podcast hangout recorded by Manuel Lemos and Arturs Sosins to comment on the latest outstanding PHP Articles and Book Reviews published recently.

    They commented on articles about improving your PHP code performance, creating an AJAX based PHP shopping cart, get Twitter direct message images in PHP with the OAuth API, and starting long server PHP scripts and monitor their status.

    They also commented on reviews of a video named "Up to Speed with PHP 7" and the books "WooCommerce Cookbook" and "Learning PHP Design Patterns".

    Listen to the podcast, or watch the hangout video to learn more about these PHP articles and book reviews.
  • PHP and JavaScript Innovation Award Report October 2015 Edition - July 2015 nominees (14 days ago)

    Posted on: 2015-10-22
    Summary: This is the October edition of the Innovation Award podcast hangout recorded by Manuel Lemos and Arturs Sosins to comment on the outstanding features of all the past month nominees and winners PHP and JavaScript packages, the prizes that the authors earned, starting with the nominees from the month of July 2015.

    Listen to the podcast, or watch the hangout video to learn why the nominated packages were considered to be innovative.
  • Read and Write Microsoft Excel Files in PHP Part 2: Writing XLS files (18 days ago)

    Posted on: 2015-10-18
    Summary: The first part of this article talked about reading an XLS file and downloading it using PHP a XLS stream handler.

    Read this article to learn how to do the opposite, writing an Excel file using Ignatius Teo's XLS stream handler class to write spreadsheet rows as arrays to files.
  • O'Reilly OSCON Europe with Great PHP and JavaScript Talks (18 days ago)

    Posted on: 2015-10-18
    Summary: OSCON is one of the most traditional Open Source conferences that O'Reilly organizes since many years ago.

    The Europe edition will take place in Amsterdam on October 26 through 28 and it includes great talks from well known speakers of the PHP and JavaScript community.

    Read this article to learn more about the event, as well a special low cost pass that includes access to some technical sessions, the Sponsor Pavillion access and Ignite talks.
  • Shall PHP 7.x Feature Asynchronous Programming Using Async/Await? - Lately in PHP podcast episode 64 (21 days ago)

    Posted on: 2015-10-15
    Summary: Recently PHP core developers have been discussing if they should make async and await reserved keywords just in case future PHP versions implement asynchronous programming support similar to Facebook Hack and future EcmaScript/JavaScript versions.

    This was one the main topics commented by Manuel Lemos and Arturs Sosins in the episode 64 of the Lately in PHP podcast.

    They also discussed the pros and cons in terms of performance of using native prepared queries with PDO, adding enum data types to PHP 7.x, having class templates similar to C++ or Java generics, among other interesting PHP topics.

    Listen to the podcast, or watch the hangout video to learn more about these interesting PHP topics.
  • Read and Write Microsoft Excel Files in PHP Part 1: Reading XLS files for Download (22 days ago)

    Posted on: 2015-10-14
    Summary: Microsoft Excel is the most popular spreadsheet program in the world. This is why many Web applications need to provide means to export or import files in Microsoft format.

    In general reading and writing Excel files is not a trivial task. However Ignatius Teo had a brilliant idea of using PHP streams to read and write Excel files just and simple and reading and writing arrays of data.

    Read this article to learn how to use the MS-Excel Stream Handler class to read and write Excel files from the xls:// stream.
  • PHP 7 Nested Anonymous Classes Tutorial (24 days ago)

    Posted on: 2015-10-12
    Summary: PHP 7 has introduced a new class feature called the Anonymous Class which will allow us to create objects without the need to name them. Anonymous classes can be nested, i.e. defined inside other classes.

    Read this article to learn how to defined and use anonymous classes nested inside other classes.
  • PHP 7 Adoption Survey (24 days ago)

    Posted on: 2015-10-12
    Summary: PHP 7.0 is about to be released. We all heard about what will be its new features and improvements. What we don't know yet is how well it will be adopted by the PHP community.

    Participate in this survey to tell what are your intentions regarding if and when you plan to adopt PHP 7 in your projects.
  • PHP 7 Performance Improvements May Increase if You Optimize it to Your Application using to PGO (25 days ago)

    Posted on: 2015-10-11
    Summary: One of the greatest improvements of PHP 7 is the increase performance of the code in general aspects.

    However, a little known fact is that PHP 7 performance can be increased further by optimize itself for specific applications using Profile-Guided Optimization (PGO) support.

    In a recent article Intel researchers announced that PHP 7 built with PGO support may run WordPress about 7% or 8% faster when compared to PHP 7 built the using default way.

    Read this article to learn more about PGO and how you can benefit from this optimization to make PHP 7 run even faster than it already runs.
  • PHP 7 Anonymous Classes Tutorial (26 days ago)

    Posted on: 2015-10-10
    Summary: PHP 7 has introduced a new class feature called the Anonymous Class which allow us to create objects without the need to name them.

    Read this article to learn about the concept behind anonymous classes and how we can use them in your PHP projects.


Top friends of the site

Friends of the PHP Classes site is a initiative to provide recognition to the users that contribute to the growth of the site community.

For more information on how to become a friend of the site look here.

Rank Friend Referrals
1 Arturs Sosins Latvia Latvia 14
2 Olaf Lederer The Netherlands The Netherlands 6
3 Cesar D. Rodas Paraguay Paraguay 4
4 Alexander Skakunov Ukraine Ukraine 3
5 Khaled Al-Shamaa Syria Syria 2
6 Antonio Jose Gomes Portugal Portugal 1
7 Rafael Espinosa Cuba Cuba 1
8 Isaac Trenado Mexico Mexico 1
9 Tufan Baris YILDIRIM Turkey Turkey 1
10 solomongaby Romania Romania 1


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If you make part of a regional PHP User Group not listed here, submit your user group .


Innovation award results

Innovation Award winners Congratulations to Joseluis Laso!

Rank Class Author Score Points Prize
1 Asynchronous Long Server Tasks
Start background tasks and query progress status
Joseluis Laso Spain 17.95% 14 One subscription to the PDF edition of the PHP Architect magazine
2 PHP Even Swaps
Implement decision methods using Even Swaps
Damir Croatia 15.38% 13
2 PHP Code Preprocessor
Preprocess code or text like in the C language
Alexander Selifonov Russian Federation 15.38% 13
2 PHP Preemptive Cache
Cache a limited amount of data records in memory
Joseluis Laso Spain 15.38% 13
5 PHP Configuration Trait
Load and save class configuration using a trait
Asher Wolfstein United States 10.26% 10
6 All in One PayPal WooCommerce Plugin
Paypal payment plugin for Woocommerce
mbjwebdevelopment India 7.69% 9
6 Greens PHP Polygon Area
Calculate the area and perimeter of a polygon
Samuel Adeshina Nigeria 7.69% 9
8 PHP Code Generator
Generate PHP code elements programatically
WsdlToPhp France 5.13% 7
9 Bijection URL shortening
Encode and decode values for short URLs
Zhao Japan 2.56% 6
9 Package Fetcher
Fetch packages from several Composer repositories
Till Wehowski Germany 2.56% 6
11 PHP Fuzzy Logic Library
Analyze variable based on fuzzy logic rules
Gaston Silva Argentina <1.00% 4
11 PHP Regex Advanced
Match MSDOS/UNIX patterns with regular expressions
Christian Vigh France <1.00% 4
11 DOM Basic
Create DOM documents in pure PHP
Juan Jose Spain <1.00% 4
11 PHP Group By Array
Group bidimensional arrays by a given element
Willy Svenningsson Sweden <1.00% 4

Nominees to win the award of October of 2015

Class: PHP SOAP Package Generator Picture of WsdlToPhp
Description: Generate package to call SOAP services using WSDL
Author: WsdlToPhp
Age: 32
Country: FranceFrance

Class: PHP Spell Check Picture of Ore Richard Muyiwa
Description: Check the spelling of text and suggest corrections
Author: Ore Richard Muyiwa
Age: 22
Country: NigeriaNigeria

Class: Variables Caching Picture of Yerfry Ramirez
Description: Cache variable values generating classes
Author: Yerfry Ramirez
Age: ???
Country: SwedenSweden

Class: PHP IRC Server Picture of Nick Daniels
Description: Implement an IRC chat server in pure PHP
Author: Nick Daniels
Age: 25
Country: United StatesUnited States

Class: PHP Next Working Day Picture of Ravi Kumar
Description: Compute the next working day from today
Author: Ravi Kumar
Age: 31
Country: IndiaIndia

Class: Lucky Numbers Picture of Dave Smith
Description: Generate numbers from text using numerology
Author: Dave Smith
Age: 50
Country: United StatesUnited States

Class: Extended Ini File Picture of Christian Vigh
Description: Load and edit configuration INI format files
Author: Christian Vigh
Age: 49
Country: FranceFrance

Class: PHP Google Analytics API Metrics Tracker Picture of Alexander Skakunov
Description: Track accesses to your API using Google Analytics
Author: Alexander Skakunov
Age: 33
Country: UkraineUkraine

Class: Vudu PHP control Picture of Matthew Boyle
Description: Send commands to a Vudu set top box
Author: Matthew Boyle
Age: ???
Country: United StatesUnited States

Class: Verbo Magia Picture of Luciano Salvino
Description: Create PDF documents with index section
Author: Luciano Salvino
Age: 42
Country: ArgentinaArgentina

Class: PHP UUID Generation class Picture of Pranav Bhatt
Description: Generate UUID codes in either version 3, 4 or 5
Author: Pranav Bhatt
Age: ???
Country: IndiaIndia

Class: PHP Paranoid Passcode Picture of Dave Smith
Description: Generate code and rhythm for user entered password
Author: Dave Smith
Age: 50
Country: United StatesUnited States

Class: PHP Dependency Injection Container Picture of Samuel Adeshina
Description: Autoload dependent objects accessing variables
Author: Samuel Adeshina
Age: 16
Country: NigeriaNigeria



Latest support forum threads

Subject Posted on Class
cannot handle datatype V
2015-11-04 PHPXBase
No listing
2015-11-03 File Entity
Not getting email
Not getting email
2015-11-03 PHP OAuth API
Integrate database to package
Integrate database to package
2015-11-03 Crop Image Plugin
Package rating comment
2015-11-02 Validator.php
Error : not possible to access the API call
This method requires scope authentication not granted.
2015-11-02 PHP OAuth API
Testing failed
Can't perform Sandbox testing while providing the API credential
2015-11-02 All in One PayPal WooCommerce Plugin
500 Internal Server Error
error on page load
2015-10-30 PHP MySQL to MySQLi
Password protect a zip
Is it possible to dynamically set a password to password protect
2015-10-29 Zip


  • Latest package entries

  • Xaja Notifier

    Picture of ettore moretti
    Author: ettore moretti
    Date: 2015-11-04 (1 day ago)
    Groups: PHP 5, Databases, Content management, AJAX
    Description: This package can notify user browsing a site in real time with AJAX.

    It takes AJAX requests that perform long polling to send notification messages to users browsing the current site pages.

    Browser side JavaScript code can receive the messages immediately and display them to the user.

    The package provides an administration interface that can send messages to the users queueing them in a database.
  • Nest

    Picture of Rick Hambrook
    Author: Rick Hambrook
    Date: 2015-11-03 (2 days ago)
    Groups: PHP 5, Data types, Language
    Description: This class can easily set and get values of nested arrays.

    It extends the ArrayObject class to be able to get or set the values of nested array entries with one access to a single variable.

    The variable must be named with the indexes of the nested array for each dimension separated with a special sequence of characters which defaults to __ .

    When getting an array value with indexes that are not set, the class may return null or a given a default value.

    The class also provides functions to perform other functions like incrementing and decrementing array values, appending new values, sorting the array, merging new values, export and import the array from a string in JSON format, etc..
  • File Entity

    Picture of Aleksandar Zivanovic
    Author: Aleksandar Zivanovic
    Date: 2015-11-02 (3 days ago)
    Groups: PHP 5, Databases, Files and Folders, Language
    Description: This class can store and retrieve objects in encrypted files.

    It is a base class that can be extended by applications that define the primary key variables and the object entity class name.

    The class can save the object to files using encryption with a configurable key and storage directory.

    It can also check if a given object exists and load the object from its storage file.
  • PHP dotGo Engine

    Picture of Dave Smith
    Author: Dave Smith
    Date: 2015-11-02 (3 days ago)
    Groups: PHP 5, Databases, Wireless and Mobile, Web services
    Description: This package can interact with SMS messages sent to your site using the DOTGO service.

    The class handles HTTP requests sent by the DOTGO service when a user sends a SMS message to a given short code phone number.

    It also generates a response based on how your application intends to respond to each request.

    An administrative interface provides means to configure the different responses your application will make.

    Currently it allows you to add, update, delete and list keywords that your application will be able to handle and what response type they will generate. These keywords are stored in a MySQL database.

    The DOTGO service uses short code phone numbers, so it will only work with users in the USA, Canada and the UK.

    Your application must be hosted in domains with a top level domain of .com, .net, .org, .edu or .gov.
  • noSQL Packages

    Picture of Dave Smith
    Author: Dave Smith
    Date: 2015-11-01 (4 days ago)
    Groups: PHP 5, Databases, Files and Folders, Content management
    Description: This class can manage the approval of packages stored in files.

    It can add packages to a database made of CSV files with status information that determines if the package is submitted and is pending approval of a moderator, reviewed, approved, rejected or deleted.

    The class can also update the package status and other information, retrieve the list of packages by status, retrieve the details of a package, and check if a given package id is valid.

    The class can keep track of the history of changes to each package in a separate CVS file.
  • Crop Image Plugin

    Picture of manudg
    Author: manudg
    Date: 2015-10-31 (5 days ago)
    Groups: PHP 5, Graphics
    Description: This class can crop an image to a given position and size.

    It can take a given image file in GIF, JPEG or PNG format and creates a new image that is cropped from the original at given coordinates, width and height.

    The package uses a jQuery plugin to send to the server the image and the crop coordinates via AJAX.
  • Simple Web Crawler

    Picture of Karthikeyan
    Author: Karthikeyan
    Date: 2015-10-30 (6 days ago)
    Groups: HTML, PHP 5, Web services, Parsers
    Description: This class can retrieve a Web page and extract HTML elements.

    It can take a given URL and retrieve the contents of the specified Web page.

    The class can parse the HTML page and extract the URLs of the domain, links and images.
  • DB Connection

    Picture of Daniel Alan Guerrero Matamoros
    Author: Daniel Alan Guerrero Matamoros
    Date: 2015-10-30 (6 days ago)
    Groups: PHP 5, Databases
    Description: This is a simple class that can connect to MySQL and store connections in sessions.

    It can connect to a given MySQL database server using MySQLi and optionally store the connection in a session variable.

    The class can also disconnect from the database and clear the respective session variable if it was set.
  • Extenso PT

    Picture of Romeu Gamelas
    Author: Romeu Gamelas
    Date: 2015-10-29 (7 days ago)
    Groups: PHP 5, Text processing, Finances
    Description: This class can spell Euro currency amounts in Portuguese.

    It can take a given amount in Euros and convert it to European Portuguese words to spell the amount.

    The class supports amounts up to billions and can have cents.

    The code and comments are in Portuguese. In Portuguese:

    Esta classe serve para criar o extenso de montantes em euros em Portugu