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A Tip for saving time that youll love

From:, sent: 13:43:08 - 30.12.2016


Hi Tesdar,

I want to tell you a super simple trick that you can use for scheduling posts rapidly on your accounts with minimal effort. 

The feature is called 'Upload Posts in Bulk" (or as we call it "Bulk Uploader"). It allows you to upload a template with multiple posts to Postcron and schedule them automatically on the time that you're define or on the schedules that Postcron defines in function with the criteria you have established.  

To be able to use this feature: 

  1. Download the excel template here and fill it out with your posts as in this example 
  2. Logon to Postcron and select the accounts in which you want to schedule the posts,  
  3. Click on the option "..or upload a file with lots of posts all at once!", 
  4. Select the file that you have created, wait for your posts to be uploaded  
  5. Click on "Save and Program" and... presto! 

All the posts will be added rapidly on the selected accounts and Postcron will publish them when their time arrives. 

It's a good time saver, don't you think? For this reason, our Premium users LOVE this feature!  

Sign up and start to schedule multiple posts right now to keep your social accounts active with minimal effort! 


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