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PHP Classes Notable PHP package WordPress Hosted Content Importer

From: PHP Classes Notable <>, sent: 13:42:47 - 30.12.2016

Notable PHP package: WordPress Hosted Content Importer - PHP Classes
WordPress is as we all know a very popular program thanks to the many plugins that allow to expand its capabilities to produce and edit content. Sometimes you need to use content in posts obtained from other sources. This package is a plugin that makes it easy to import content into posts from sources like local files including those in Markdown format, database query results, Wikipedia excerpts and even the requests of calls to remote APIs.

Notable PHP package: WordPress Hosted Content Importer

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WordPress Hosted Content Importer

WordPress plugin to import content hosted remotely

Moderator comment

WordPress is as we all know a very popular program thanks to the many plugins that allow to expand its capabilities to produce and edit content.

Sometimes you need to use content in posts obtained from other sources.

This package is a plugin that makes it easy to import content into posts from sources like local files including those in Markdown format, database query results, Wikipedia excerpts and even the requests of calls to remote APIs.


Bimal Poudel


PHP 5, Content management, Web services, Blogs


This package is a WordPress plugin to import content hosted remotely.

It defines tags that can be inserted in the articles as placeholders for content to be imported from remote sites.

Currently it supports importing content in Markdown format, local files, database queries, Wikipedia content, remote APIs, etc..

The plugin retrieves the contents and inserts it the placeholder places in the WordPress articles.
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