Imprint |
Salzburg Sport GmbH, Am Brunnen 1, A-5330 Fuschl am See,
Tel: +43 662 6582 0, E-Mail:,
Purpose of the company: Sport Management
Directors: Rudolf Theierl, Reinhard Stocker
Salzburg Sport GmbH is a member of the Austrian Chamber of Commerce.
The Austrian Trade Act (Gewerbeordnung 1994) applies and can be consulted here.
Company Registration No.: FN190213a, Register Court: Landesgericht Salzburg,
Information regarding the media owner may permanently and directly be
found here: Disclosure according to § 25 Media Act |
VAT-ID Austria: ATU49051001
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VAT-ID Italy: IT00115029993
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VAT-ID Belgium: BE0891353685 |