Hi Tesdar!

Remember me? I'm Lucas from Postcron! How have my previous messages been? I hope you've had success applying them.

Today, I want to share with you the templates that we use to organize our social media strategy and make it efficient, since surely social media is even more present in your day to day life and your company.  
And for us as well they have helped a lot, I believe that they can be very useful to you. You can download and use them as your own! 

  1. Social Media Strategy Template: this is the first step for generating a solid presence on networks. Included: definition of your target audience, content guidelines, social profiles optimization and definition of the publication strategy. (Download Template
  2. Social Media Survey Template: it's goal is to evaluate your position on social networks in a way so you can correct it based on your planned goals. (Download Template
  3. Calendar Template for Social Media: it'll enable you to arrange your publications for planning, implementing and evaluating different publication strategies. (Download Template
  4. Bulk Uploading Template: it'll allow you to keep your social accounts up to date. With this and the help of Postcron, you can rapidly schedule hundreds of posts so they can be published on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, Pinterest or Instagram whenever you set it. (Download Template

I hope that theses help you arrange your communications, boost your online presence and spread your brand.  

See you later!

CEO at
