PHP and JavaScript Innovation Award Report December 2015 Edition - September 2015 nominees - PHP Classes blog

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    PHP and JavaScript Innovation Award Report December 2015 Edition - September 2015 nominees


    This is the December edition of the Innovation Award podcast hangout recorded by Manuel Lemos and Arturs Sosins to comment on the outstanding features of all the past month nominees and winners PHP and JavaScript packages, the prizes that the authors earned, starting with the nominees from the month of September 2015.

    Listen to the podcast, or watch the hangout video to learn why the nominated packages were considered to be innovative, as well the current rankings of the Innovation Award Championship by author and by country.

    View the complete article...

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    PHP Classes site tip of the day

    Win Prizes and Recognition in the PHP Innovation AwardWin Prizes and Recognition in the PHP Innovation Award

    This award is an initiative meant to provide recognition to the authors that contribute with the most innovating classes.

    Submit innovative classes to be nominated in the beginning of next month like these nominees of last month that appear on the vote page.

    In the following month, the authors of the most voted classes may win prizes provided by the following sponsors: CodeLobster Software, IP2Location, SourceGuardian, NuSphere, Human Profile, ActiveState, Jetbrains, JCX Software, Zend, O'Reilly, Devsense, Packt, PHP Architect.

    Read about other interesting tips

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