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Innovation Award results of May of 2016

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The winners of the Award may receive prizes provided by sponsors.

Sponsors Prizes
PHPClasses One big elePHPant Plush Mascott
SourceGuardian SourceGuarding PHP encoder tool
Zend One copy of the Zend Studio
NuSphere One downloadable copy of PhpED Professional
IP2Location One year server license IP to country, region, city, latitude, longitude, ZIP code, time zone, area code database
Jetbrains PhpStorm IDE personal permanent license
CodeLobster Software One downloadable copy of CodeLobster Professional
APILayer 1 year subscription to the Basic Plan of an API product of choice
ActiveState One downloadable copy of Komodo IDE
Human Profile One copy of DWebPro Standard License
Devsense PHP Tools for Visual Studio Personal license
PHP Architect One subscription to the PDF edition of the PHP Architect magazine
O'Reilly One downloadable e-book of choice by O'Reilly
Packt One ebook of choice by Packt

Rofl please go to winners page to access the winner package pages.

Congratulations to andrea battellocchi!

Rank Class Author Score Points Prize
1 PHP Photo Wall Gallery
Convert images to ASCII characters or photo walls
andrea battellocchi Italy 16.67% 14 One downloadable copy of CodeLobster Professional
2 PHP Web Page Screenshot
Capture Web page screenshots using HTML2Canvas
Bharat Parmar India 13.89% 13 PhpStorm IDE personal permanent license
3 PHP Image Mosaic Generator
Generate a mosaic from an image in PDF format
Luciano Salvino Argentina 11.11% 12
3 PHP Layout Template Processor
Template engine with indented blocks based syntax
Roger Baklund Norway 11.11% 12
5 PHP REST Client Class
Send REST request to a HTTP server
Unay Santisteban Spain 8.33% 10
5 PHP Asynchronous Command
Get commands output without waiting to finish
Christian Vigh France 8.33% 10
5 PHP Emulated SQL Filesystem
Emulate a filesystem storing files in SQL database
Ryan Cole United States 8.33% 10
5 Pretty PHP S3 Files Manager
Web based interface to manage files in Amazon S3
Tran Tuan Viet Nam 8.33% 10
REST API server with MySQLi based CRUD operations
Bharat Parmar India 5.56% 6
10 PHP CSS Optimizer
Optimize CSS and make it browser independent
Victor V. Nabatov Russian Federation 2.78% 5
10 PHP Search Large Files
Search large files that would not fit in memory
Christian Vigh France 2.78% 5
10 PHP HtmlEntities Encoding and Decoding
Encode and decode a longer list of HTML entities
Gavin Gordon Markowski Canada 2.78% 5
13 PHP Get All Words
Extract all words from string excluding stop words
Lionel F. Lebeau France <1.00% 2
13 PHP Reports
Generate PDF and DOCX reports from Word templates
Murat Cileli Turkey <1.00% 2

Rofl please go to the voting page to know the packages and vote on the best

Nominees to win the award of May of 2016

Class: PHP Neuron Message transmission
Description: Send messages to neurons using shared memory
Author: Lionel F. Lebeau
Country: France
Comment: Neurons are cells in the brain that connect to each other and autonomously transmit information to other neurons.

Neural networks have been used in computing to solve problems emulating a brain.

This class can implement networks of neurons that communicate with each other using system shared memory. This way each neuron can run in parallel processes communicating with each other autonomously.

Class: Random Access File
Description: Store data fixed record length data in files
Author: Christian Vigh
Country: France
Comment: Database systems use files that have records of fixed length because it is easy to predict the position of a given record in the file and jump to that position to read or write the record data.

This class can manipulate files with fixed length records in pure PHP code. It performs several types of operations with data records that can be used a simple PHP based file database system.

Class: Event Bus
Description: Emit events and handle them using wildcards
Author: Jeremiah Ogbomo
Country: Nigeria
Comment: Many applications use events to customize the actions that should happen and a given class performs a certain activity.

External objects register event handlers and when those events happen the objects are called to perform the necessary integration customization actions.

When you need to register handlers to handle many types of events, it may be tedious to write all the code for the registration.

This class provides a solution to simplify that task that consists of supporting wildcards to specify families of events to be handled by the same object.

This way the handler object can register to handle many types of events at once.

Class: WordStore
Description: Add, update and find words from a dictionary
Author: Gavin Gordon Markowski
Country: Canada
Comment: Dictionaries are useful to verify the spelling of words used in text sentences.

This class implements a dictionary that can be stored using pure PHP in a JSON file.

It includes not only the correct spelling of words but also the types of each word: nouns, verbs, prepositions, adjectives, articles, personal pronouns, adverbs, interjections, and punctuation.

This way it the dictionary can also be used not only to verify the spelling but also the grammar of text sentences.

Class: PHP PDF to Text
Description: Extract text contents from PDF files
Author: Christian Vigh
Country: France
Comment: Many Web applications need to deal with PDF documents and their contents for instance to search for particular text.

However, the PDF format is not easy to analyse and it contains complex structures and often compressed binary data.

The PHP PDF to Text package not only is able to parse the PDF format in pure PHP, but it can also decompress any document objects and extract their page position, making it easy to search PDF documents using only with PHP code, thus without resorting to external programs, special extensions or Web service APIs.

Class: ah Map Helper
Description: Parse URLs of map services and get their location
Author: Axel Hahn
Country: Switzerland
Comment: There are several types of mapping applications on the Web that can show specific locations given a URL that represents that location. However, each application uses different URL parameters to represent the location coordinates.

This class provides a general solution to extract location coordinates from map URLs of Google Maps, Yandex maps and OpenStreetMap.

It can also also do the opposite, i.e. given the coordinates of a location it can generate URLs to show that location in the different mapping sites that it supports.

Class: PHP Export XLS
Description: Export arrays as HTML tables or Excel XLS files
Author: Juan Pablo Irungaray Segura
Country: Guatemala
Comment: Excel is the most popular spreadsheet program in the world. Many people use it, so it is common that Web applications generate data that can be imported in Excel.

Excel has its own native file formats to load and save data but it can also import HTML tables.

This class takes advantage of that fact to provide a simple solution to generate HTML tables from arrays and serve them for download using a content type header, so it makes the browser open the served spreadsheet data in Excel.

Class: PHP Tracking User Activity
Description: Track user activity on Web pages using screenshots
Author: Bharat Parmar
Country: India
Comment: Sometimes it is necessary to understand what is going on the browser side to verify if what the user is seeing is the same as he is expected to see after certain interactions.

This class can address this need with the help of jQuery plugin that can capture screenshots of the current page after certain user interaction events like click or form submissions for instance.

The PHP class receives the screenshot images sent by AJAX and records logs of the associated activities so the developers can analyze it in the future to determine what could be wrong and fix eventual issues.

Class: PHP Beans Brazilian Feijoada
Description: Encapsulate several objects in one like Java Beans
Author: Bruno Henrique Ferreira de Oliveira
Country: Brazil
Comment: Java Beans are classes that encapsulate multiple objects in a single Bean class.

This package provides a PHP implementation of Java Beans.

It can parse configuration files to determine what dependency classes need to be loaded and instantiated.

Class: Make SQL
Description: Generate SQL queries from request values array
Author: andrea battellocchi
Country: Italy
Comment: Many applications need to update database table records with values taken from request parameters.

This class can generate SQL INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE queries to a given table using escaped request parameter values in the queries. It can also exclude request parameters that should be ignored.

Class: Move Me GIF
Description: Create animated GIF images in pure PHP
Author: Patrick Van Bergen
Country: The Netherlands
Comment: Animated GIF images became popular because they allow to display videos on social network sites that only support image formats.

Assembling an animated GIF is just composing a sequence of still pictures. However, this class goes further to assembling pictures as animated GIFs by allowing to render sequences of images overlaid on top of custom background images.

It also provides optimization methods to generate smaller GIFs files by clipping regions of the images and skipping frames.

Class: Scripd
Description: Generate database creation SQL queries from JSON
Author: Samuel Adeshina
Country: Nigeria
Comment: Every SQL database driven application needs to update the database schema once in a while to support new features.

This class can perform that process of generating SQL for database updates with elegance, as it allows developers to define database schema additions in a JSON based file format, so it can work with different types of databases.

Since the format is based in JSON it can be used eventually by similar packages written in other languages.

Not only it supports the creation and modification of databases, tables and indexes, but it also supports triggers, views, stored procedures and functions.

Class: CSS Magic
Description: Compose CSS style sheets programatically
Author: Everton da Rosa
Country: Brazil
Comment: Usually Web applications use CSS style sheets defined as static files or templates.

However, when your application needs to generate custom CSS that manipulates certain styles and properties, the static CSS approach is not very convenient.

This class provides means to define CSS programmatically by allowing to define style sheets, styles and properties as parameters defined at PHP run time.

Class: AMP Remove unused CSS
Description: Remove unused CSS rules for AMP pages
Author: Marcel Soler
Country: Spain
Comment: AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) is a initiative to make the Web user experience for mobile device users faster and smoother and overcome the limitations of bandwidth and latency that mobile networks have.

This package helps providing a better mobile user experience by reducing the need to load excessively large CSS style sheets removing unnecessary or unneeded CSS rules, thus making the necessary CSS rules faster to load and take less device CPU resources to process.

Class: PDF Meta Reader
Description: Parse and extract keywords from PDF using pdfinfo
Author: Arnel Labarda
Country: Philippines
Comment: Many PDF documents contain metadata that is not displayed on the document but can be used to classify and index the PDF files.

This class can extract keywords metadata from a PDF document using the pdfinfo program.

Class: Corcel (Laravel + WordPress)
Description: Use the WordPress backend with any PHP application
Author: Junior Grossi
Country: Brazil
Comment: WordPress is certainly one of the most popular and successful PHP based projects that was ever created apart of the PHP language itself.

However, great part of WordPress code is not even written using object oriented programming.

On the other hand Laravel is one of the most recent PHP frameworks that gained great traction supporting MVC and other design patterns.

This framework brings the world of WordPress to the Laravel developers, so you can write Laravel based applications with the WordPress backend.


Award Winners by Author of 2016

Rank Author Packages Points
1 Dave Smith United States 4 32
2 Christian Vigh France 4 30
3 Johnny Mast The Netherlands 2 28
4 Kacper Rowinski Poland 2 24
4 Luciano Salvino Argentina 2 24
6 Bharat Parmar India 2 19
7 Gabriel Couto Brazil 1 18
8 Mohammed Al Ashaal Egypt 1 17
9 Dan From Denmark 1 16
9 Aleksey Nemiro Russian Federation 1 16

Award Winners by Country of 2016

Rank Country Packages Points
1 United States 9 61
2 India 4 45
3 Brazil 3 36
4 France 5 32
5 Argentina 3 29
6 The Netherlands 2 28
7 Egypt 2 27
8 Spain 3 25
9 Poland 2 24
9 Italy 2 24

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